Adults and Bone Health

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The earlier in life we start to look after our bone health the better; however, it is never too late to start! There are many simple additions/changes we can make to our diet that will help ensure we are giving our body the optimal nutrients for maintaining strong bones. Always consult your GP for guidance on supplements if you are unsure of your needs.

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The essential nutrients for strong bones:


Most of us are aware of the importance of the mineral calcium when it comes to building strong bones. More than 99% of calcium in the body is stored in bones and teeth. Despite knowing that it’s critical to health, many people still do not get enough. The demographics who are most at risk of not meeting their daily calcium requirements are adolescents, menopausal/post-menopausal women, men over 70 and people who don’t eat dairy.

What Should I Eat?

Calcium is found in dairy products such as cheese, yoghurt and milk and non-dairy food such as sardines, almonds, houmous (specifically tahini), dark-leafy green vegetables like kale, spinach and collard greens (spring greens/cabbage), okra, and dried fruit such as figs, currants and apricots.

Bread (except for wholemeal) is fortified with calcium by law in the UK.

Calcium-rich meal and snack suggestions:

Should I Supplement?

If you’re concerned you’re not getting your daily calcium requirements you might want to consider supplementing. Adults should have 700 milligrams of calcium a day – possibly more if deficient but usually not more than 1,500mg.

Be sure not to exceed the stated dose - too much calcium from supplements could put a strain on kidneys and can cause hypercalcemia (a build-up of calcium in the blood). Hypercalcemia can cause weakened bones (amongst other health problems).

Milk - the More the Better?

It should also be noted that when it comes to calcium food sources it is not necessarily the case of the more the better. One Swedish study found that there did not appear to be a decrease in fracture risk with a higher intake of milk (drinking three or more glasses of milk per day compared with drinking one glass per day), with high milk consumption being associated with more bone and hip fractures. More research is needed on this.

Excess Protein

It has been hypothesised that too much protein, especially animal protein, can cause acidity in the body, which causes bones to excrete calcium in order to neutralise the acidity.

However, whilst it is well established that high protein intake does lead to an increase in calcium secretion via urine, there is no evidence to suggest that it is because it changes the pH balance of the body or, indeed, that people who eat a lot of protein have a higher fracture risk. There is some thinking that the body releases a hormone to mitigate the calcium loss, but there is no conclusive evidence that high protein intake leads to decreased bone density.

For a relatively active adult a daily protein intake RDA is 10% of total daily calories.


Signs of possible calcium deficiency include:


  • Numbness or tingling fingers
  • Muscle cramps
  • Weak or brittle Fingernails
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Fainting or lethargy


  • Mental confusion
  • Tooth erosion
  • Bone fractures
  • Heart problems (blood pressure issue or heart rhythm issues)
  • Stunted development in children

Fizzy Drinks Leach Calcium

Finally, whilst there isn't conclusive evidence about why this is the case, studies have shown there is a link between high fizzy drink consumption and increased risk of bone fractures. It is clear that carbonated drinks are not good for bone health, so put an end to that fizzy pop habit.

Note: It is important to ensure that along with calcium you are getting enough vitamin D, as without this important vitamin your body will not absorb calcium efficiently.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin essential for calcium absorption and bone mineralisation. The two forms important in humans are ergocalciferol (vitamin D2) and cholecalciferol (vitamin D3). When taken in supplement form, Vitamin D3 is generally considered to be better absorbed by the human body.

The Sunshine Vitamin

Our bodies synthesise our own vitamin D3 when exposed to sunlight outdoors, but, depending on where you live, it may not produce satisfactory amounts to fulfil recommended requirements and therefore vitamin D will need to be obtained from the diet and/or supplementation. It is interesting to note that you cannot overdose from vitamin D3 from the sun (although you can, of course, get skin damage from too much sun and increase skin cancer risk if you overdo it - see NHS seasonal health - sun safety for sun safety advice).

What Should I Eat?

Good sources of vitamin D include fatty fish such as trout, salmon, tuna and mackerel, as well as egg yolk, butter and liver. Vitamin D is also added to certain food products like breakfast cereals and margarines. Mushrooms produce vitamin D when exposed to sunlight.

Vitamin D is not overly abundant in many foods, but here are some meal and snack suggestions:

Should I Supplement?

The official recommended daily dietary amount of vitamin D for adults is 10µg (aka mcg or micrograms) - this is equivalent to 400 international units (IU) of vitamin D - but we recommend 50µg (2000 IU) a day in the darker months, between October and April, when there is not enough sunlight to synthesize enough vitamin D naturally.

Do not supplement more than 100µg a day, equivalent to 4,000 IU, as, while you can’t overdose from sunlight exposure, too much vitamin D from supplementation can have the same effects of calcium toxicity and cause hypercalcemia (a build-up of calcium in the blood).


Vitamin D insufficiency affects almost 50% of the population worldwide.

Signs of possible vitamin D deficiency include:

  • Muscle weakness/cramps
  • Fatigue
  • Mood changes/depression
  • Bone and joint pain (especially in back)

Note: Dairy milk is not considered a good source of vitamin D in the UK as, unlike in some other countries, it is not fortified.

Vitamin K

Vitamin K is another important vitamin when it comes to bone health, ensuring calcium is directed where it is needed. Research suggests that low levels of this vitamin in the blood is associated with poor bone density in adults.

Different Forms of Vitamin K

However, there are two types of vitamin K: K1 and K2. K1 has had the most attention paid to it and is usually the form found in supplements, but there has been some research on K2 that suggests this might be more helpful in transporting calcium to the places we need it. Unlike K1, vitamin K2 is synthesized by bacteria not in our bodies and is found in high-fat meat, cheese, egg yolk and fermented foods such as unpasteurized sauerkraut and natto (the latter two being suitable for vegans).

K2 is further divided into MK4 (synthetic) and MK7 (natural) and you can supplement with K2-MK7 as these are now easily available and are often paired with vitamin D3.

What Should I Eat?

Vitamin K1 is found most abundantly in dark-green leafy vegetables and K2 is found in mostly animal-derived foods such as meat and cheese, except for natto which is a fermented soybean food very high in K2.

Vitamin K meals and snacks suggestions:

  • Kale and mustard greens salad
  • Natto (a fermented soybean food high in K2)
  • Unpasteurised Sauerkraut
  • Nut loaf (cashew and pine nuts) with watercress or spinach
  • Prunes and custard
  • Kale with pasta and pesto
  • Edam cheese on crackers
  • Scrambled eggs made on buttery wholewheat toast
  • Pork chops with collard greens or broccoli
  • Roast chicken, green beans or peas
  • Baked eel in tomato sauce with Swiss chard

Should I supplement?

As well as being found in plant foods such as dark-green leafy vegetables, our bodies – like with vitamin D – can produce vitamin K1 by itself (using bacteria in our digestive system), so supplementing shouldn’t be necessary, unless there is a prolonged or frequent use of antibiotics. More research is needed regarding vitamin K2.


Deficiency is uncommon but signs of possible vitamin K deficiency include:

  • Bruising easily
  • Nosebleeds
  • Excessive bleeding/slow to clot
  • Dark black stool
  • Blood in urine
  • Heavy menstrual periods


Magnesium is another important mineral for bone health, with an adult storing 50-60% of their body’s magnesium content in the skeletal system. Magnesium is also a team player with calcium and Vitamin D, working synergistically in the maintenance of normal bones.

What Should I Eat?

Magnesium is found in foods such as nuts (ie. Brazil, almond, pecan and cashew), beans and legumes (ie. soybeans, peanuts, baked beans), pumpkin seeds, wholegrains and dark-green leafy vegetables.

Magnesium meal and snack suggestions:

  • Almond butter or peanut butter on wholewheat toast
  • Oatmeal with pecan nuts
  • Banana milkshake
  • Edamame stir-fry
  • Salmon fishcakes
  • Lentil casserole
  • Tofu and spinach salad with pumpkin seeds
  • Broccoli and cashew fried rice
  • Jacket potato with baked beans
  • Chocolate-coated Brazil nuts

Should I Supplement?

More research is needed on the optimal dose of magnesium supplementation when it comes to the risk of osteoporosis and bone fracture. Overdosing on magnesium has been found to have the opposite effect, weakening bones instead of fortifying them. Therefore, it makes sense to try and get your magnesium requirements from magnesium-rich foods. Only a few servings a day are needed to reach your daily RDA.

Recommended daily amounts of magnesium are 270mg for adult females and 300mg for adult males, although there is some thinking that this recommendation should be increased. Having up to 400mg a day is unlikely to cause harm.

If you are unsure if you might still need to supplement, consult your doctor for advice.


Low levels of magnesium don’t tend to have symptoms unless severe, but some signs of possible magnesium deficiency include:

  • Nausea/vomiting
  • Decreased appetite
  • Fatigue
  • Weakness
  • Muscle twitches or cramps
  • Numbness or tingling fingers


As well as being an important nutrient for all-round immune system health, zinc has an essential role in bone health, with zinc deficiencies having been associated with decreased bone density. Luckily zinc is very easy to get in your diet, being in many fortified breakfast cereals and in staples such as baked beans, oats, nuts, seeds, chickpeas, lentils, rice, red meat and poultry. Oysters are high in zinc but are a bit of an acquired taste some would say.

What Should I Eat?

Zinc meal and snack suggestions:

  • Chickpea curry
  • Houmous and red peppers in pitta
  • Multi-seed crackers and guacamole
  • Crab cakes
  • Oatmeal
  • Roast beef
  • Baked beans on toast
  • Tofu and mushroom stir-fry
  • Three bean chilli and brown rice
  • Yoghurt with blackberries and raspberries

Should I Supplement?

You should be able to get all the zinc you need from eating a balanced diet, but if you do feel you might benefit from zinc supplementation remember not to exceed the stated dosage.

Zinc supplementation is often combined with copper, as zinc can suppress copper absorption.


Zinc deficiency is not common, but when a person is zinc deficient their body can’t produce healthy new cells.

Possible signs of zinc deficiency include:

  • Compromised immune system - frequent colds/ infections
  • Allergies
  • Hair loss
  • Weight loss/loss of appetite
  • Diarrhoea
  • Abnormal taste/smell
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Sleep problems

A Word on Medications

Some prescribed medications can interfere with the absorption of certain vitamins, so be sure to check with your GP if you are on any treatment. Acid blocking drugs are sometimes used for longer than they should be, and this can increase the risk of osteoporosis.

Should I Take a Multi-vitamin?

A daily A-Z multivitamin and mineral tablet might be a good way to ensure you are keeping up with your nutritional requirements, especially if you eat a vegan diet or need to restrict your diet in some way.

Vitamin pills are in no way a replacement for a good, varied diet as food contains so much more needed for a body to maintain itself, but, rather, supplementation is a safety net for days when you don’t have time to think too much about your nutritional needs or if your body has additional needs due to other factors (discussed with your doctor). You don’t have to worry about overdosing on vitamins and minerals if you take a daily supplement and eat a varied diet, but do not exceed the stated dose. It’s often best to take vitamin supplements with food as this can stop feelings of nausea and help boost absorption of some vitamins.

Rainbow Diet

One of the keys to maintaining vibrant health is, along with taking plenty of exercise, to eat a ‘rainbow’ diet of fruits and vegetables and to ensure you include a variety of healthy foods from across all the food groups: fruits and vegetables, starches/grains, dairy or non-dairy alternatives, protein and fat.

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